2019 Review

At Kenny Waste Management, we achieved in 2019, so much more than we set out to achieve in terms of the monies our team were able to raise for charity.

Having initally set a target of £3,000, the team soon smashed through that target and we then doubled it! Well the team didn’t just set about achieving this new target, they went on and achieved over £10,000 more than our orginal target, raising over £12,374.90 for our chosen Charities, The Christie and Tackle4Mcr.

So reviewing our success in 2019, we decided that we all wanted to continue to support The Christie in 2020. Having one focus, raising monies for our chosen corporate charity, would help our teams decide what challenges they would get involved with in 2020 to achieve similar results to last year.

We look forward to keeping you posted on the events we will be entering and the monies we raise to see if we can again smash through the £10,000 barrier.

The Christie charity raises money for a range of projects and initiatives for our patients. They have focus on 4 main areas: research, care and treatment, education and extra patient services.

Everything they fund goes above and beyond what the NHS provide, enabling them to give their patients the best care, treatment and quality of life possible.

The donations they receive, really do have an impact at The Christie. Without the support of their fantastic supporters, they would not be able to give their patients and families the level of care and support they wish to provide.

So, knowing all the above, we took the decision to continue as a corporate supporter of The Christie for 2020. We have had many staff affected, either directly or indirectly by cancer, so we felt this was a charity we would be emotionally connected with.

Our staff are embarking on many charitable activities throughout 2020 to raise money for The Christie. Keep an eye out on our news feed and social media for further details on how you can support their efforts.


Our team will be planning how they wish to fundraise in 2020. Last year the team tackled; sky diving, rough running, to simple fundraising days like Lucky Penny Day and coffee mornings. Our Directors got competitive doing the Wilmslow 10k Run and I am sure they will be look to challenge each other again regarding who will raise the most money for The Christie. We have set an initial £10,000 to try and achieve, hoping we do the same as last year and raise more that double what we initially set as our target.


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Kenny Waste Management